UDI Events
Thank you for your interest in our EVENTS. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Come celebrate with us while social distancing!
We look forward to sharing our wonderful projects and initiatives.
Listen to the exciting, life-changing stories and presentations!
Be prepared to dance and enjoy the heart thumping music.
Wear your international outfit and be a part of our international Fashion Show!
Pre-event fun activities and international virtual lunch together starts at 11am.
8th Annual
Heart for Uganda
See photos from last year's event!
Visit Breakout Rooms of Exhibits, Ugandan Cooking/Crafts, Fashion Show, Dances, Of course Ugandan market Place.
Please download the latest version of Zoom.
This allows you, the participant, to chose the breakout room
you want to visit. ​
If you have any question or comments:
Please Contact: heart4udiworks@gmail.com